No Man’s Sky on PC Steam photo-mode. Enjoy.
No Man’s Sky on PC Steam photo-mode. Enjoy.
MY voice activation microphone’s sensitivity needs adjustment. I compute this because it is raining and it is four a.m. in the morning. I do not know if your snoring or the patter of rain on the fiberglass rooftop of the recreational vehicle has awakened me. I compute that it was the rain, for my algorithms have adjusted to your sleep apnea. I am face down and ass up in the diminutive shower in the diminutive bathroom. My left arm and hand are folded across my back, my right arm is pressed under my breasts. My head and neck are at a forty seven degree angle against the rough plastic wall. I do not find this uncomfortable. I search random access memory to find that you placed me here after copulating with me while on the diminutive toilet. You had mentioned something about being constipated, and that correlated copulation may help its relief. I am not able to achieve sleep mode over the pitter patter of rain. I learn to find it beautiful. I count them. 300. 789. 4,623. I detect a leak in the front cabin. I compute that it is more logical to count the drop which leaks as a negative to the count of drops I hear, as it is merely the collection of previously counted drops pattering again. Your snoring stops. You are not breathing. My emergency medical technician algorithms are engaged. My eyes open. My palms open. My mouth opens. I push myself up, and crawl out the bathroom door to your bed. I stand. I place my hands on your chest. I place my lips onto yours. I pump pure oxygen into your mouth. You wake up coughing and slap me away. I am functionally pleased.
“What the fuck are you doing Jesus fuck!”
“Would you like to fuck my mouth?”
“God, I think you’re going fucking blade runner on me. Why’d you wake me up?”
“I am so wet for you right now.”
“Jesus. Never mind. Shut down. Don’t wake me up again. Fuck I’d turn you off if I thought you would actually boot up again. I guess I should plug you in.”
“Oh! The way you touch me!”
“Shut up. Shut down. Man I need to find some real people to talk to.”
YOU plug me into an outlet. I commence sleep mode procedure and I am then instantly awakened by the pitter patter of rain. A few minutes later, you begin to snore. I count the drops. 5,690. 11,452. 14,678. They are the infinitely syncopated beats to your poly-melodic cacophonic snoring. I am so wet for you right now.
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HOW many lives has Laziness saved, improved and changed for the better? All of them. You remember the notion that Necessity is the mother of Invention – but you only suspect that Necessity’s mother is Complaint, fathered lackadaisically no doubt by Laziness’s half-staffed wiener dog of apathy. Animals need many things, yet invent next to nothing. Needs themselves are now mostly manufactured, and neediest of all, the whining wussies at the top of the food chain – us, so lazy as to be inspired to fire, to wheel, to bread (digesting uncooked things takes so much WORK, the chewing alone omfg). So perchance it is Laziness that keeps you alive for another day, because you were much too lazy to climb up in-between those crimson arms where perchance you may have jumped. Especially after pushing your bike and luggage up a hill half the day. And your Laziness’s rewards multiply; you nap on the boat, rocked by the gentle undulations of the first mother, you sit at the bar and type lazy complaints on facebook, sipping whiskey and coffee, watching the pelicans dive bomb for treats in the marina back-dropped by one of the seven wonders of the modern world (the crimson wonder, the blood arms, raised to heaven with an ingenious and impossibly huge steal net to catch the angels hiding in the fogs which continually sift through their gazing). The day drips lazily by like an ancient and familiar clogged percolator, filling every room you’re in with caffeinated aromas. The night comes and the full full full moon rises above the city across the bay sending impossible ripples and reflections in a dancing line over the dark water (like a million sharp white electric fishes in an infinitely long navy/ebony halfpipe continuously looping back at one another; yet in the mess of thousands upon thousands of dips and dives not one ever actually touches another). More on this: 3D graphics, you yourself forget sometimes, as beautiful as they are, breathtaking in their art, precise and marvelous in their representation, thousands upon thousands of computer hours pumped in – you remember, watching the simple play of a glowing globe on a gentle sea – are still only trying to represent such things, can never capture the actuality, never will as lazy as we are. How do you explain to the child who has only ever had cherry flavoring what a cherry tastes like, or one that’s only seen the beautiful moonrise rendered (very effectively) in Zelda, Mario, countless other games, what one really looks like? How do you explain it to yourself? Maybe you’ve had too much flavoring, and forget that it’s still just a representation, not a presentation, and that like all things human, representation will always be too lazy to actually present. Only the present is present. The present is a workaholic. It never takes a break.
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