2001 Norton’s Anthology
The Norton anthology of American literature states, and I quote, fuck you, go to hell. What’s the matter with you? I will be your shadow and that is the sentimental and romantic truth isn’t it. That is the point wherein we breech comfort, and begin to know the end. The debt lover, usury aficionado, the whole in the wall of psycho, the American model of superficiality and superficiality is really just a form of efficiency we must know that and the American model of efficient superficiality is really just the Anglo-Saxon model of efficiency and a work-centered life due to the prevailing inhospitable climate where the Anglo-Saxon model was developed – with a bunch of people who don’t know each other trying to seem nice – induced by the heavy immigration and slave importation most definitely apparent in American history, which by default and design destroyed long-standing family and community connections and created a community of individuals nearly devoid of deep personal and constructive connections yet decidedly set on maintaining the old efficiency work ethic inherited from their northern European and predominantly Anglo-Saxon ancestors. And just like when you stick a bunch of chimpanzees that don’t know each other into a small room and force them to work together to get food, they smile quite a lot and have deeply defensive and psychologically violent tendencies. Thus it was the North Americans who superficially and efficiently were the first among the peoples of the world to discover the succulent beauty of reality television. And oh my god out the won window whispers the whistler to the fly – golfers and pigs rolling in grassy mud harmoniously laughter. No I’m mean laughter, this is where you laugh.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice (for those who can afford it), insure domestic (not urban) Tranquility, provide for the common defense (of property), promote the general Welfare (of those who don’t really need it much), and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves (read rich white men) and our Posterity (read their rich white children conceived in wedlock), do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion (that isn’t Christian), or prohibiting the free (and tax-subsidized) exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of (non-vernacular and non-expletive) speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble (in places where we don’t mind if they assemble), and to petition the government for a redress of grievances (where the appropriate fees can be met).
I petition the pain to stop. I petition the pain to stop. I petition the perfect parable of good versus evil; where evil is just a culmination of all the inherent self-destructive qualities of the good. God! Look at this, no look at this, no look at me, no don’t look at me look at yourself. Now go fuck it. And why is it we wipe our asses with paper? Our hands get a little dirty, and it’s off to soap and water land – our rectums spew out shit, and we just wipe it off with thin, cheap little towels of paper. Maybe that’s just me. I’ll wipe my ass with my hands then, and then off to soap and water. Has anyone seen my car? My car is a piece of shit.
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