2008 The Plan
The Plan.
This is how I came up with my plan to kill every man, woman and child on this planet. This is how I found a way to destroy all life on earth. And this is how my plan came to be. When it came to me; I can kill everything, I thought to myself.
Something is very fucked up about all of this. An infinitesimally small round ball spinning and rotating at ridiculous speeds in the midst of an infinite void, with the thinnest of layers on this lonely little ball’s surface supporting all life as we know it. And all life as we know it includes the immensity of our memories, thoughts and dreams. All things as we feel them and the virility of our feelings to produce our indubitably solid experience of being. What the fuck? For real.
As a youth tripping on acid in that part of the American southland that still gets cold as fuck in February these thoughts were jokes and enlightened realizations. As an indebted mid-thirties man fighting a belly, fighting the urge to smoke, fighting the urge to drink, losing his hair and hoping he didn’t pull something in his back while trekking the state-required hikes in that part of the American northland that doesn’t get very cold but sure as hell isn’t that sunny these thoughts were murder, murder, murder.
When young, a realization of the infinite void surrounding all fabricated relativity is a certain path to freedom from the strictures of your elders and your authorities. When older – not even old – these realizations are naught but reminders of the built-in futilities of every single moment of your life.
One could argue that regardless of these actualities – these arguable actualities – a majority of people lead rewarding, productive lives. And my plan would argue right back that this was the biggest lie ever sold to us, and the crux of how my plan was able to kill every single rewarding, productive person on earth. Here’s my plan: just wait. It’ll all happen on it’s own.