2005/2015 Locust-‘Taunts of Decay’. Audio by roesingape. Video is taken from 2005 roesingape performance piece at Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park’s alteractive series, featuring: Sam Womelsdorf, Nik Soluski, Rachel Cook & Roesing Ape dancing. Original piece involved live action in front …Continue reading →
2013 Bay Area Nature-Trees and stuff from around the San Francisco Bay Area. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 35mm lens. 2013 Bay Area Nature
2013 Day of the Dead San Francisco-Day of the dead in the Mission District of San Francisco. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 35mm lens. 2013 Day of Dead San Francisco
2014 Bay, Girl & Dog-Photo journey in the San Francisco Bay area with a girl and a dog. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 75 and 35mm lens. 2014 Bay, Girl & Dog
2014 Dying in Bernal-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Samplings of sad poems and sentimental strumming during the San Francisco Terror of 2014. Enjoy? Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2014 Rosebud’s Harvest-Medical Marijuana photo shoot in San Francisco, California. Organic and indoor. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 35mm lens. 2014 Rosebud's Harvest
2014 This is Important-No one knows. If anyone knew, they’d say. And if they said, everyone would know. It wouldn’t be hard, it would be easy, if it was it. It wouldn’t be complicated. It would make sense. It would be easy, if …Continue reading →
2014/2004/1998 Death Poem-I read a poem I wrote at 23, at the age of 39, mixed with b-roll from 2004.
2014/2005/1997 Karmann Ghia Girl-Story written in 1997 about an event in 1994 recorded in 2014 mixed with b-roll from 2005. Pile of junk for you.
2015 Equality-Equality There is no equality. Ask an electron. Apparently they’re all the same, yet we can never know the position and momentum of any one of them. The Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics is Bullshit. I stand by that. …Continue reading →
2015 Frailing in Grows-Available on: iTunes Spotify Napster Deezer Field recording style audio mess of banjo, guitar, and bass in various marijuana grow warehouses in San Francisco. Some versions of old traditionals. Sounds like crap in the good way… sometimes.. Enjoy? Flash …Continue reading →
2015 Insurance-Insurance They (who are they?) call it the ‘equitable transfer of risk loss,’ but we (who am I speaking for?) all know it cannot, as a rule, be equitable, for we are told everything should stand on it’s own …Continue reading →
2015 No-Available on: iTunes Spotify A collection of songs and noise inspired by traditional gospels tunes, sea shanties and lofi noise. Mostly banjo oriented and multi-tracked, mostly written but a little improvised. Some of it is pretty good. Enjoy! Flash …Continue reading →
2015 On the Battle for-Feynman & Susskind batter me forthwith. Letting it all fall off to see what’s left; base desires seeking ever lower energies, insatiable desire for distraction in television, movies and games, which when left to simmer for eons of wasted satiation, …Continue reading →
2015 Pot Gingerbread Man-His story through the Wasteland. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 35mm lens. 2015 Pot Gingerbread Man
2015 Random Girl-I met a random girl at a party. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 35mm lens. 2016 Random Girl
2015 San Francisco, Views from the Taint-San Francisco – Views from the Taint Who needs anything but the constant bombardment of images of other people better than you, licking their skinny manicured model’s fingers of the latest technological gadgetry about to be fucked …Continue reading →
2015 Uncopy of Lord Draft-lord don’t like what the lord cant hear, better quit drinking shine by the time he’s done we wont be here. better quit drinking shine Lord shoots first then drinks lite beer, better quit drinking shine They call it fat but …Continue reading →
2015 Zaccho Rehearsal-Random photo shoot of a San Francisco company rehearsing at Zaccho Dance Theatre. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 35mm lens. 2015 Zaccho Rehearsal
2016 Antenna For the Light-Available on: Amazon iTunes Spotify Porch banjo rag. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2016 Black Girl (Cover of Lead Belly)-Black girl, black girl Don’t you lie to me Tell me where did you sleep last night ‘Neath the pines, ‘neath the pines Where the sun never shines And I shivered in the cold, deadly cold* Her husband was a …Continue reading →
2016 Broke-Available on: Amazon iTunes Spotify Weird song recorded in an RV in a redwood forest. Enjoy. Try the Spotify…
2016 Deej Ape-Available on: iTunes Spotify Experiments with tablet DJ noise crafting. It makes you want to dance, and then it messes with your rhythm and you have to stop. And then it makes you want to dance again, or turn …Continue reading →
2016 Glitch the Keyboard-Available on: iTunes Amazon Spotify Live cheap keyboard glitch performance. Try the Spotify…
2016 Locust-Available on: iTunes Spotify Epic banjo heavy cosmic morbid positivity. Try the Spotify…
2016 Micro Dirty Man w/ Scabs McHavoc-Available on: iTunes Spotify Bluesy explorations not meant to please anyone but Scabs and Roesing recorded in a marijuana grow house in San Francisco. Dedicated to Sky Dog. Enjoy? Try the Spotify…
2016 SF Bay Area Scraps-Android phone dump of times around the San Francisco Bay in 2016. Enjoy. 2016 SF Bay Area Scraps
2016 Superhero Street Fair-Trolling Youtube’s content ID system to shove fair use down the throats of our algorithmic overlords. Mashup by Roesing Ape, music by DJ Laird & Friends. Saturday, October 22, 2016, Napoleon @ Jerrold Streets, San Francisco California. superherosf.com.
2016 Trumpty-Drumpfty-Trumpty-Drumfpty fell off the wall, minorities and women punted his balls, all the king’s bigots, all the white men, could not put them together again. #trumptydumptyfelloffthewall
2016 Zaccho Dance Theatre @ Strand-Live performance at A.C.T. Strand Theater in San Francisco, California. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 35mm lens. 2016 Zaccho Dance Theatre at the Strand
2016/2004 Winter Bismuth-Live synth/banjo set recorded in a trailer in the redwoods set to some b-roll I had sitting around from 2004.
2016/2005 broke-Synth voice and drum jam set to b-roll from a few dance pieces in 2005. Available on: Amazon iTunes Spotify
2016/2006 Antenna for the Light-Banjo ditty recorded on a porch in a forest. Video is b-roll backdrop from a 2006 performance piece.
2016/2006 Winter Slug Half Inch Journey-Live banjo/sampler/synth set recorded in a trailer in a redwood forest during a winter rainstorm. Video is b-roll from a 2006 dance performance back drop.
2016/2006/2001 Number 35-Live banjo jam from 2016 with lyrics from 2001 over video b-roll from 2006. Secondary vocals by Migle Ka.
2017 California Scraps-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Banjo and synth experimentation in a trailer in a redwood forest in the mountains. Enjoy. Try the Spotify…
2017 Cooking with Chicken Lays an Egg Shirt-Doesn’t make any sense to you. Makes sense to someone else. Available in several colors. Photo from a performance piece you didn’t go to by an artist you don’t know in a place you’ve never been. Available on Amazon. Photo/design by …Continue reading →
2017 Earth Day San Francisco-At the Civic Center in Downtown San Francisco. Featuring the March for Science. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 35mm lens. 2017 Earth Day San Francisco
2017 Earth Day San Francisco Appeal-Please visit earthdaysf.org or climatetheatre.com for more information, to volunteer, to give, or to plan your day. Donate through IndieGoGo’s Generosity Donate with Paypal:
2017 Earth Day San Francisco Appeal 2-Please visit earthdaysf.org or climatetheatre.com for more information, to volunteer, to give, or to plan your day. Donate through IndieGoGo’s Generosity Donate with Paypal:
2017 Earth Day San Francisco Appeal 2-Please visit earthdaysf.org or climatetheatre.com for more information, to volunteer, to give, or to plan your day. Donate through IndieGoGo’s Generosity, or through Paypal:
2017 Eclipse to New York-Random Shots from the eclipse in Salem Oregon and meandering around New York City. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 35mm Lens. 2017 Eclipse to New York
2017 Feral Rat King Shirt-It’s a real thing. It’s a great Wikipedia article. Available in several colors. A feral rat king is when several dead and living rats… uh just google it. It’s terrifying and real, just like Roesing Ape. Available on Amazon. Photo/design …Continue reading →
2017 Flying Things pt. 1-Details of things that fly. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 75mm lens. 2017 Flying Things pt. 1
2017 Half to Fight-Or the lackey savant. An experiment in crapwave. Using old footage from phones, VHS, early 2000’s cheap home computer animation, digital cameras and the dumb orange monkey.
2017 In Ball Snow Shirt-Hard to explain. Shoddy craftsmanship. Available in several colors. Part of a series of shirts displaying great moments in contemporary dance using the photography of Roesing Ape. Collect them all! Available on Amazon. Photo/design by Roesing Ape. Full Gallery: 2008 Inbal …Continue reading →
2017 Joshua Shine-Version of Reverend I.B. Ware’s “Better Quit Drinking Shine” with different lyrics. Shot live in Joshua Tree California, then overdubbed. Available on: iTunes Amazon Spotify
2017 Joshua Shine (single)-Available on: iTunes Amazon Spotify Reworking of a traditional song originated by the Reverend I.B. Ware. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2017 Journey to the Lavender Pit pt. 2-Greater Bisbee, Arizona & Naco, Mexico. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 35 & 75mm lens. 2017 Journey to the Lavender Pit pt. 2
2017 Journey to the Lavender Pit pt. 3-Joshua Tree & environs, California. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 35 & 75mm lens. 2017 Journey to the Lavender Pit pt. 3
2017 Kid P. Shirt-Demonstrates falling while being flexible. May describe how you feel. Available in several colors. From a series of shirts showing dramatic moments in contemporary dance captured by the photography of Roesing Ape. Available on Amazon. Photo/design by Roesing Ape. Full …Continue reading →
2017 MAGFTFT-Realistic. It’s a good idea.. Available in several colors. Someone famous said it. It co-opts a dumb message. Great for causing double-takes on the street. Available on Amazon. Design by Roesing Ape. More shirts here
2017 Nature Lonely-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Audio experiments with field recordings of environmental sounds. Probably boring. Enjoy. Yeah the flash player doesn’t work… Try the Spotify…
2017 NYC Grand Canyon Shirt-Confusing. Misleading. Available in several colors. Confuse foreigners and the lightly traveled by suggesting with this shirt that New York City has a Grand Canyon street. Available on Amazon. Photo/design by Roesing Ape. Full gallery: 2012 SF.Week.01.debrief. More shirts here.
2017 Pele’s Dress pt. 1-Vegetative views of the Big Island. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 75mm lens. 2017 Pele's Dress pt. 1
2017 Pele’s Dress pt. 2-Rocky views of the Big Island. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 75mm lens. 2017 Pele's Dress pt. 2
2017 Roesing Ape F*cks Me Shirt-Hard to wear to school. Hard to wear to church. Available in several colors. Available on Amazon. Design by Roesing Ape. More shirts here
2017 Scarcity is a Lie Shirt-Hard to explain. Hard to do anything about. Available in several colors. Let everyone know that Roesing Ape has messed with your head and/or body with weird music, art, or written words. Available on Amazon. Photo/design by Roesing Ape. Full …Continue reading →
2017 The Dump-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Experiments in post-Trump recording methods and multi-takes on the same song. Hear the same lyrics and melody recorded within 3 different musical frameworks, book-ended by same strange noises! Very exciting. Enjoy. Flash player not …Continue reading →
2017 The Last Tree-This was made using trees. This may not be the actual last tree. A gentle reminder to enjoy your South American beef and Burning Man and all the trees that die for them. Photo by Roesing Ape. Available on Amazon. …Continue reading →
2017 The Others (#meToo)-The Others It happened when I was 17. I lived in my parents’ basement. My mother was wheelchaired by the ravages of twenty odd years of rheumatoid arthritis during a time when the drugs and methods to treat it …Continue reading →
2017 The Winter of ’17-Available on: Spotify iTunes Noise banjo mostly recorded in a trailer on a farm in a redwood forest in the Santa Cruz Mountains during the winter of 2016/17. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2017 Venice Beach Jaded Review-Venice Beach, Los Angeles, California, 2017. Land of douche crowned by the last barnacle tendons of a beachfront madhouse strip, where humans are still to be found among the tourists. The old man playing furiously-expertly on the grand piano on …Continue reading →
2017 White Bird Fashion Fundraiser-A fashion show to raise funds for White Bird Dance featuring the clothing designs of Michelle Lesniak. 2017 White Bird Fashion Fundraiser
2018 Cincinnati Streets-Boring photos of Cincinnati in 2018. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 35mm lens. 2018 Cincinnati Streets
2018 Golden Gate/Smuggler’s Cove Rando-Random snaps of a party at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco and Smuggler’s Cove in Oregon. Pretty boring. Don’t even look at them. Shot on a Nikon D5100.
2018 Hawaiian Homes & Gardens-Lovely shots of a cozy jungle hut in the Puna district of the big island. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 35mm lens and mosquito bites. 2018 Hawaiian Homes & Gardens
2018 Jessica Lang Dance-Jessica Lang Dance performing live on stage at the Newmark Theatre in Portland Oregon. Presented by White Bird. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 200mm lens. More at roesingape.org. 2018 Jessica Lang Dance
2018 Kittyright-Available on: Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Second album in response to draconian algorithms used by digital distributors to monitor copyright, which have the effect of nearly banishing the right of fair use by independent artists. This work is made …Continue reading →
2018 Rennie Harris Puremovement-Rennie Harris Puremovement’s production of LIFTED! presented by White Bird Dance in Portland Oregon. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 200mm lens. 2018 Rennie Harris Puremovement
2018 Rev Cop Inf-Available on: Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer In response to draconian algorithms used by digital distributors to monitor copyright, which has the effect of nearly banishing the right of fair use by independent artists, I decided to create work which …Continue reading →
2018 Sour Mash-Available on: Apple Music Spotify Tidal Napster Deezer iHeart Broadcast and mixed Live on KFFP FM in Portland Oregon. A good lesson in copyright subversion in the digital rights management algorithm landscape. Enjoy. Try the Spotify…
2018 Urban Bush Women-Live at the Newmark in Portland Oregon. Presented by White Bird. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 200mm lens. 2018 Urban Bush Women
2018 Wave Nausée-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Live mixed sampling from a radio show in Portland Oregon, created using a DJ app on an Android. It was a giant pain to get it past the copyright police. Enjoy. Flash …Continue reading →
2018 Windows 11 – EscJape Vogue Live-Live performance of the first section of Windows 11, EscJape Vogue, as presented by the Regional Arts and Culture Council in Portland Oregon. Choreography & Direction: Beth Whelan Videography, Projection, Music: Roesing Ape Dancers: Alicia Cutaia, Emily Running, Willow Swanson, …Continue reading →
2018 Windows 11 – Linear Gog Live-Live performance of the second section of Windows 11, Linear Gog, as presented by the Regional Arts and Culture Council in Portland Oregon. Choreography & Direction: Beth Whelan Videography, Projection, Music: Roesing Ape Dancers: Alicia Cutaia, Emily Running, Willow Swanson, …Continue reading →
2018 Windows 11 – Weedies Live-Live performance of the third section of Windows 11, Weedies, as presented by the Regional Arts and Culture Council in Portland Oregon. Choreography & Direction: Beth Whelan Videography, Projection, Music: Roesing Ape Dancers: Alicia Cutaia, Emily Running, Willow Swanson, Beth …Continue reading →
2018 Windows 11 Test Reel-Test and working reel for Roesing Ape and Beth Whelan’s Windows 11 performance piece presented by the Regional Arts and Culture Council in Portland Oregon for its Night Lights series. Audio is a live noise set circa 2004. Dancer is …Continue reading →
2018 Winter in White Drug’s Cove-Explorations of the hidden cove near St. John’s in Portland Oregon, where white people go to do drugs and the homeless live on boats. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 35mm lens. 2018 Winter in White Drug’s Cove
2018/2016/2004 Windows 11 Soundtrack-Available on: Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Soundtrack to the Roesing Ape/Beth Whelan co-op presented by the Regional Arts and Culture Council in Portland Oregon in it’s 2018 Night Lights series. Audio was remixes of Roesing Ape work from 2004 …Continue reading →