2001 2002-Available on: iTunes Spotify Napster Deezer Experimental multitracking and live noise intensified by the end of the 20th century. Enjoy? Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2001 Art Damage Benefit (Live)-Available on: Spotify iTunes Amazon A long time ago, in a city on the border of the Upland South and the Midwest in the greatest empire the world has ever known, there was a public radio station called 88.3 …Continue reading →
2001 Beltane Brahkage-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Audio recording of a performance piece at the Southgate House in Newport Kentucky, celebrating the Beltane fires by simulating sex with a six foot blow-up penis and a lampshade in front of …Continue reading →
2001 Fucks Me Variations 3 and 4-Available on: iTunes Spotify Napster Deezer The first official Roesing Ape release. Out on Burning Star Core’s Dronedisco label, it was a six CD box set that retailed for $500. Single discs from the collection were $10, but which …Continue reading →
2001 Fucks Me Variations 5 and 6-Available on: iTunes Spotify Napster Deezer The first official Roesing Ape release. Out on Burning Star Core’s Dronedisco label, it was a six CD box set that retailed for $500. Single discs from the collection were $10, but which …Continue reading →
2001 Gordy | Roesing | Price-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Improvisation test with Tim Schwallie, Holly Price, and Roesing Ape. Its weird. Enjoy. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2001 Kentucky Live-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Deezer Early live noise sets at the Southgate House in Newport Kentucky and the Masonic Lodge in Covington Kentucky. Enjoy? Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2001 Masonic Lodge Art Show (Yes)-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Live noise set for an art show at the iconic Masonic Lodge in Covington Kentucky. Featuring Lesniak and C. Spencer Yeh when I was cool enough to have them in my band. …Continue reading →
2001 Riddle & Shoe-Available on: Spotify iTunes Amazon Just in time for Halloween, the best haunted house soundtrack album you’ll hear all year. Decent ambient electronica recorded in home studios on Riddle Road and in the David Shoe building in Cincinnati. Guest …Continue reading →
2001 Roesing Lesniak Ebaugh Yeh-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Live jam at the Masonic Lodge in Covington Kentucky with Roesing Ape, Jeremy Lesniak, Jesse Ebaugh, and Spencer Yeh. Video here. Enjoy. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2001 Sanctum to Drones-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Studio recorded noise sets for anti-social performance pieces at warehouse parties. Featuring Burning Star Core on violin. Enjoy. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2001 Zog & Roe Art Damage Birthday Show-Available on: Apple Music Spotify Tidal Amazon Deezer iHeart Radio Live on WAIF FM Cincinnati in October of 2001, the Art Damage show, featuring all Zog and Roe projects and mashups. The highlight is ‘Atton’ where Zog does a …Continue reading →
2002 American Synth God-Available on: Spotify iTunes The Synth Album. The year of Synth. Recorded while listening to live BBC reports of the second Iraq War. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2002 Death Beam-Available on: Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer iHeart The Cincinnati noise super-group Death Beam: Roesing Ape, C. Spencer Yeh, and Ron Orovitz.. Enjoy. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2002 Death Beam Southgate-Available on: Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer iHeart The Cincinnati noise super-group Death Beam: Roesing Ape, C. Spencer Yeh, and Ron Orovitz, live at the historic Southgate House in Newport Kentucky. Enjoy. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2002 F. Art EP-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Deezer Audio release of a Roesing Ape show presented at the Contemporary Arts Center of Cincinnati. Featuring Lacey Montgomery, C. Spencer Yeh, John Rich, Sarah Mandrake, Lesniak, Julie Roessler, and Ron Orovitz. Here’s the …Continue reading →
2002 Halloween Interludes-Available on: Apple Music Spotify Tidal Amazon Deezer iHeart Radio Noise interludes for between sets at a Halloween noise show at the Southgate House in Newport Kentucky, 2002. Enjoy. Try the Spotify…
2002 Live at Sudsy Malone’s EP-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Live noise set at the iconic Sudsy Malone’s on Short Vine in Cincinnati Ohio. Featuring Lesniak and C. Spencer Yeh when I was cool enough to have them in my band. Enjoy. …Continue reading →
2002 Ludique-Available on: Amazon iTunes Spotify Mixture of live studio, weird multitracking, and call and response voice tracks. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2002 Miscmidsum-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Early noise. No rules, no beats, no recording standards. Enjoy? Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2002 No Comet No The Bronze-Available on: Spotify iTunes Amazon Experiments in noise multitracking, live field recording (i.e. an effected dialogue with a Verizon customer service representative) and computer generated beat bashes. Some of it is cool. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2002 Performance & Time Arts-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Audio release of a Roesing Ape show presented as part of the Contemporary Dance Theatre of Cincinnati’s Performance & Time Arts series at the College Hill Town Hall. Featuring Sarah Mandrake, Keith …Continue reading →
2002 Roesing-Yeh (Live at Sudsy’s)-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Live harsh noise by Roesing Ape and C. Spencer Yeh at Sudsy Malone’s on Short Vine in Cincinnati. You’re going to wonder the whole time if that distortion sound was live, or …Continue reading →
2002 Southgate House Live 02-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Deezer Live noise at the Southgate House in Newport Kentucky, again. Enjoy? Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2002 Stereo Oriented-Available on: iTunes Spotify Synth and computer improv. Intense stoner heavy. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2002 The Painful Miscellany-Available on: Spotify iTunes Amazon The worst Roesing Ape album. For the die-hard. Experiments in harsh computer generated and badly recorded noise, and some pieces I did for some performance art of other people with the goal to make …Continue reading →
2003 Computer Music-Available on: Spotify iTunes Amazon Experiments in computer generated anti-edm. Enjoy. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2003 Death Beam 1103-Available on: Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer iHeart The Cincinnati noise super-group Death Beam: Roesing Ape, C. Spencer Yeh, and Ron Orovitz. No one remembers where this was recorded. The music blanks the mind. Enjoy. Flash player not working? Try …Continue reading →
2003 Death Beam Prax-Available on: Spotify iTunes Wimp-Tidal Napster Deezer The Cincinnati noise super-group Death Beam: Roesing Ape, C. Spencer Yeh, Ron Orovitz, and sometimes Jeremy Lesniak, in a particularly gnarly practice session. Enjoy. Try the Spotify…
2003 Death Beam What is it Like to be a Bat?-Available on: Spotify iTunes Wimp-Tidal Napster Deezer The Cincinnati noise super-group Death Beam: Roesing Ape, C. Spencer Yeh, Ron Orovitz, and sometimes Jeremy Lesniak, live and in studio. Enjoy. Try the Spotify…
2003 Death Beam WXXX News Time Warp-Available on: Spotify iTunes Wimp-Tidal Napster Deezer The Cincinnati noise super-group Death Beam: Roesing Ape, C. Spencer Yeh, Ron Orovitz, and sometimes Jeremy Lesniak; live sets in front of real live audiences and in a real underground studio. Enjoy. …Continue reading →
2003 FArt-Available on: iTunes Spotify Napster Deezer Words with noise, artsy-like. Enjoy. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2003 Hurtful Stories-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Attempts at annoyingly uncomfortable noise-story telling. Enjoy? Backing track vocalizations by Nik Soluski. Yeah the flash player doesn’t work… Try the Spotify…
2003 Music for Ms. Morgan-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Tracks created for performances pieces with dancer/choreographer/poet Mickey Morgan. Two of the tracks were performed in front of a live audience, and one of those got the biggest boo on the biggest stage of …Continue reading →
2003 Rando-Available on: iTunes Spotify Some random improvisational noise, live and multitracked. Enjoy! Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2003 The Enemy of All Good Times (Remastered)-Available on: Spotify iTunes An attempt at ‘studio’ recording noise and spoken word tracks, originally released by DroneDisco. It’s pretty sometimes. Recorded in a 150 year old building in the Betts-Longworth district of Cincinnati Ohio while the projects were …Continue reading →
2003 To Me-Available on: iTunes Spotify Well recorded HQ noise and experimentation during a brief moment in time when everything was going ‘well’. Includes live studio sets, a live set at the Southgate House in Kentucky, and crafted mutltitrack noise. A …Continue reading →
2004 Art Damage Roesing Ape Birthday Tribute-Available on: Apple/iTunes Spotify WIMP/Tidal Amazon Napster Deezer Broadcast Live on WAIF FM Cincinnati Ohio. Enjoy. Try the Spotify…
2004 Book Noise-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Epic noise sets, or boring ones, for the book release party of “A Beautiful Woman” at the SSNova/Mockbee in Cincinnati Ohio. There’s video here. Enjoy? Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2004 BxC All-Available on: Spotify iTunes A collection of live and studio noise at the time for promo purposes when I was going through DroneDisco. A good cross section of what I was up to. I toured Germany with it but …Continue reading →
2004 Cincinnati Laptop Orchestra-Available on: Spotify Amazon Electronic improvisational laptop orchestra. Players: Roesing Ape, Gabriel Molnar, Jim Reynolds, Jeremy Lesniak, George Laub, Tony Boggs, C. Spencer Yeh. It’s a hot mess. Cover art by Allen Michael “Witt” Schmitz. Flash player not working? …Continue reading →
2004 Fake Art Noise-Available on: Amazon iTunes Spotify Fake Art Noise for various performance pieces 2002-2004 in Cincinnati Ohio. “At first I thought my computer speakers were broken…” – Melissa Terry, Facebook Post Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2004 Lost Parlour Set-Available on: Apple Music Spotify Tidal Amazon Napster Deezer iHeart Radio Snapshot of a live noise set in the Southgate House upper parlour. First time integrating banjo into noise. Enjoy. Try the Spotify…
2004 Nalbum-Available on: Spotify iTunes Amazon Experiments in noise multi-tracking, much of which was used for various stage pieces. Some of it is cool or funny, like the song that repeats a Windows XP serial number. Also some spoken word …Continue reading →
2004 Pittsburgh Single-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Live noise sets packaged for an underground noise label in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania in 2004, “ The Year Noise Broke “. Enjoy. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2004 Roesing Ape & Soluski Kitty-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Deezer Live performance of a performance art piece at the Southgate House in Newport Kentucky. Featuring Roesing Ape, Gabriel Molnar, Megan Hill, and Nikol Soluski. It involved duct tape crucifixion and completely wrapping a …Continue reading →
2004 The Year Noise Broke-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Some straight up improvised electronic noise from the best year Noise ever had in southern Ohio, 2004. Enjoy. Yeah the flash player doesn’t work… Try the Spotify…
2005 Antaesop’s Fables-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Modern day fairy tales inspired by Aesop’s fables written and read by various Cincinnati area artists including Rachel Cook, Nikol Soluski and Roesing Ape. Performed live at the Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park’s alteractive …Continue reading →
2005 Art Damage Lodge Live-Available on: Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Live show at the original(?) Art Damage Lodge in Northside Cincinnati Ohio. I don’t remember the address it was across the street and down a ways from the 2nd iteration… Anyway on first …Continue reading →
2005 Asks is the American Christ Satan-Available on: iTunes Spotify WIMP/Tidal Amazon Napster Deezer Best attempt at 2000s noise-pop. I never got an answer. Enjoy. Try the Spotify…
2005 Eats-Available on: iTunes Spotify Napster Deezer Experimental multitracking and live noise in a warehouse from the mid aughts. Enjoy? Try the Spotify…
2005 Happy Holidays-Available on: iTunes Spotify A holiday album in July. Some robots sing on it. Try the Spotify…
2005 Land of Zog- Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Sheer noise inspired by whatever Zog was, Iovae, and the dark swampy underbelly of 2000’s Price Hill Cincinnati culture. Enjoy. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2005 Media-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Various noise leftovers from projects and albums, and some spoken word remixed. Enjoy? Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2005 Music is Bullshit-Available on: Amazon iTunes Spotify A mixture of banjo pop, live noise and weird studio multitracking. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify… Original CD Cover
2005 The NFS Files-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Audio collaborations with Nikol F. Soluski. One studio, one from a live performance where she cooked and ate herself. Enjoy. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2006 ‘2006’-Available on: Spotify Amazon Deezer Stuff from 2006. Obvi. Enjoy? Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2006 End of 0h Six-Available on: Apple/iTunes Spotify Tidal Amazon Napster Deezer iHeart Peak poppy Roesing. Enjoy. Try the Spotify…
2006 First Songs-Available on: Spotify After years of noise, this was an attempt to translate it into actual songs. Recorded in a flat in the ghetto of Cincinnati. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2006 I Love You Fuck Me-Available on: Spotify iTunes Amazon Mopey electronic noise songs with sad misanthropic lyrics. Enjoy? Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2006 IBI Test Final-Available on: Amazon iTunes Spotify First foray into songwriting after ten years of noise. There’s still some noise, and some learning curves in recording. But I believe there’s some alt-country hits in here somewhere. Flash player not working? Try …Continue reading →
2006 Mash Life-Available on: Spotify iTunes Amazon Noise improvisational multitracking songs, with words and sounds. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2006 Mass Rectory-Available on: Apple Music Spotify Tidal Amazon Napster Deezer iHeart Radio More Peak poppy Roesing, this time recorded in an old rectory in eastern Massachusetts. Enjoy. Try the Spotify…
2006 Media Bridges Live-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Deezer Live set in the studio of Cincinnati’s public access cable channel, Media bridges. Totally red-lined all of their equipment with the volume, so I incorporated the audio signal drops into the set. Because …Continue reading →
2006 Sampler-Available on: iTunes Spotify An album exploring song-like noise mostly recorded in an old nunnery in western Massachusetts. There are some gems. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2006 The Wild Gunmen Go Ape Shit-Available on: Spotify Amazon Deezer The premier Cincinnati Appalachian Noise Band records an album with Roesing Ape at a hipster pad in the ghetto. This is back when ghettos could afford hipster pads. The Wild Gunmen was/is a secret …Continue reading →
2006 Video Noise-Available on: iTunes Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Noise specifically multi-tracked in video editing software with clips instead of samples. Enjoy. Flash player not working? Try the Spotify…
2018/2016/2004 Windows 11 Soundtrack-Available on: Spotify Amazon Napster Deezer Soundtrack to the Roesing Ape/Beth Whelan co-op presented by the Regional Arts and Culture Council in Portland Oregon in it’s 2018 Night Lights series. Audio was remixes of Roesing Ape work from 2004 …Continue reading →
2022/2006 F. Art Jan. 6-Available on: Apple Music Spotify Tidal Amazon Napster Deezer iHeart Radio Robot dragon speech from a performance piece performed at the Contemporary Arts Center of Cincinnati on January 6, 2006, remixed into some weird shit. Enjoy. Try the Spotify… …Continue reading →