1995 Arizona Hippies-A nostalgic dump. Snap view into the life of several Midwestern potheads tooling around Phoenix and Arizona in 1995. Shot on various 35mm film, aged stressed with an HP scanner. 1995 Arizona Hippies
1995 Arizona Skies-Haphazard photos of desert Skies in Arizona near the Superstition Mountains and the Grand Canyon in the mid 1990s. Shot on a Minolta with 35mm film and age-stressed with an HP scanner. 1995 Arizona Skies
1995 Hopi Puppy-This was a dog once, long dead, not forgotten yet. Lab-chow mix. Not that smart, totally loyal, happy, and sweet. Never barked. Shot on various film, age stressed with an HP Deskjet F2120. 1995 Hopi Puppy
1995 Nostalgias-A nostalgic dump. Snap view into the life of several Midwestern potheads tooling around Kentucky in 1995. Shot on various 35mm film, aged stressed with an Nikon D5100. 1995 Nostalgias
1998 Bad at Make Up-Seriously I got a D in that class. Here is my humiliation, shot on a Minolta 35mm film camera, and age stressed with a Nikon D5100. 1998 Bad at Make Up
1998 Sudsy’s Portraits pt. 1-Portraits of the people of Sudsy Malone’s Laundromat and Bar in Cincinnati Ohio. Shot on a Minolta 35mm film camera and age stressed with a Nikon D5100. 1998 Sudsy's Portraits pt. 1
1999 Draws-A long ago foray into manual visual art. Photographed with a Minolta 35mm and scanned in. 1999 Draws
1999 Riddle Visits-Photos of some of the weird shit and people who showed up on Riddle Road in Cincinnati Ohio. Shot on a Minolta 35mm film camera, age stressed with a Nikon D5100. 1999 Riddle Visits
2000 BUZZSHOW-Roesing Ape, Burning Star Core, Tired Glue, Luther the Geek, Dark Audio – it devolved into a universal jam and we took over that kewl little Buzz Coffe shop in Cincinnati Ohio. You can listen to it here. 2000 BUZZSHOW
2000 First Annual Regional Error Worship Conference-Set up in Old St. George Cathedral in Cincinnati Ohio for the First Annual Regional Error Worship Conference. Shot on a Minolta 35mm film camera. 2000 First Annual Regional Error Worship Conference
2000 Introduction to Oregon-First visit to Oregon in the year 2000, with Lesniak. Shot on a 35mm Minolta film camera, age stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2000 Introduction to Oregon
2000 Journey to Fatlantis-Erstwhile poorly focused vacation photos from the cheese-ball vomitorium that is the Atlantis resort in the Bahamas circa the year 2000. The Bahamas, jewel crusted crust and seamy poverty oppressed gooey center. Shot on a one use 35mm film camera, …Continue reading →
2000 Modem Speak Ensemble-Live performance of high pitched noise-jazz at the Southgate House in Newport Kentucky, with John Rich. Shot on a Minolta 35mm film camera. 2000 Modem Speak Ensemble
2000/2001/2002/2003 Aught Art pt. 1-Random shots of random artsy crap I did, saw, invented, made up, whatever. Shot on a Minolta 35mm film camera and aged stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2004 Ought Art pt. 1