2000/2001/2002/2003 Aught Art pt. 1-Random shots of random artsy crap I did, saw, invented, made up, whatever. Shot on a Minolta 35mm film camera and aged stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2004 Ought Art pt. 1
2001 Buttons, Smoke & Fire-Performance piece at Sudsy Malone’s laundromat and bar in Cincinnati Ohio for George Washington’s birthday. Cover charge was one dollar per person, which was collected in a bowl and burnt in a funereal pyre at the end the chant at …Continue reading →
2001 FreeDance Music-Holly Price performing with members of the Wolverton Bros. and Gordy Horn in an interactive self-projection dance piece. Shot, poorly, with a 35mm Minolta film camera. 2001 FreeDance Music
2001 In The Shoe-The wreck of living in the David Shoe building in the West End of Cincinnati in the fall of 2001. Shot on a 35mm Minolta film camera and age stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2001 In The Shoe
2001 The Electric Company Show-Show at a short lived ultra hip venue on Vine Street in Cincinnati Ohio. Involved Chalk, Roesing Ape, S. Durm, Lauren Brown, Julie Roessler and many others. I remember the guy who ran the venue always wore sunglasses in the …Continue reading →
2002 Belgian Graves Paris Fog-Bad shots of the graves of United States soldiers fallen in world wars buried overseas, and foggy Paris. Shot on a Minolta 35mm film camera and age stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2002 Belgian Graves Paris Fog
2002 Cincinnati Resist-Shots from one of the social justice rallies in Cincinnati circa 2002 after the police murder of Timothy Thomas. Shot on a Minolta 35mm film camera and age stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2002 Cincinnati Resist
2002 Death Beam Mini Tour Pics-A few snaps of the Original Cincinnati noise super-group Death Beam; Roesing Ape, C. Spencer Yeh, and Ron Orovitz, while they were on a mini-tour in the upper Midwest.
2002 Holly Price Art-Catalogue shots for an art show by Holly Price, and some random stuff. Shot on a Minolta 35mm and age-stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2002 Holly Price Art
2003 Cincinnati Hip-Hipstery arty stuff and people in Cincinnati around 2003. Shot on a Minolta 35mm film camera, aged stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2003 Cincinnati Hip
2003 International Noise Conference-Held at Churchill’s Pub in Miami Florida. Shot on a Minolta 35mm film camera, aged stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2003 International Noise Conference
2003 Karst-Photos from the environs of Karst-o-rama in southern Kentucky circa 2003. Shot on a Minolta 35mm film camera and age stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2003 Karst
2004 “A Beautiful Woman” by Roesing Ape Book Release-Featuring Nik Soluski, Gabriel Molnar (The Black Fives), George Laub (8Fold), Julie Roessler (Three Red Squares and an Orange), Dana Hamblen, Jeremy Lesniak, Joshua Treble, David Garza and more… Held in an old winery on a hill with a creek …Continue reading →
2004 Cincinnati Fringe Festival-Mixture of sculpture, body and car paint art by Nikol Soluski, Megan Guzzardo and Julie Roessler and my installation of projections of 1980’s cereal commercials and distorted porn in a room plastered floor to ceiling in tin foil. All part …Continue reading →
2004 Lights-Just some photos of lights. Shot on a 35mm Minolta film camera, age stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2004 Lights
2004 Parks & Crap Like That-Cincinnati Ohio and Covington Kentucky. Shot on a Minolta 35mm film camera and age stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2004 Parks & Crap Like That
2004 Republican Dreams/Cincinnati Fringe Festival-Installation piece for the 2004 Cincinnati Fringe Festival. I covered an entire room, floor to ceiling, with tin foil, and used three projectors to mix blurry porn and Saturday morning kid’s cereal commercials onto the silvery walls. The extra pics …Continue reading →
2004 Southern France-Nice, Villefranche Sur-Mer, and the Alps. Shot on a Minolta 35mm film camera and age stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2004 Southern France
2004 Year Wasted on Deviant Art-A collection of album covers, 35mm film photos and Myspace cover art that was forgotten on the Deviant Art site for twelve years. 2004 Year Wasted on Deviant Art
2005 30th Party-Photos of the 30th party. Shot on a Minolta 35mm, traditionally developed and scanned in. 2005 30th Party
2005 Antaesop Rehearsal-Rehearsal photos from a performance piece at the Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park for their alteractive series in 2005/6. Shot on 35mm film, age stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2005 Antaesop Rehearsal
2005 Art Damage Event-At the original Art Damage venue on Hamilton Avenue in Northside, Cincinnati Ohio. Not sure who else is performing, but my show evidently included a power point presentation on why people are stupid and you should be too. Shot on …Continue reading →
2005 Carcassonne et Toulouse-The old fort of Carcassonne outside of Toulouse, and a bit of Toulouse. Shot on a Minolta 35mm film camera and age stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2005 Carcassonne et Toulouse
2005 Cincinnati People-Photos of people in Cincinnati. Shot on a Minolta 35mm, traditionally developed and scanned in. 2005 Cincinnati People
2005 Homes-Artsy shots in Cincinnati hipster homes during the era of the second Bush. Shot on a Minolta 35mm film camera and age stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2005 Homes
2005 October 16-Halloween theme & street dance photos. Shot on a 35mm Minolta film camera. Moderately photoshopped in certain cases. 2005 October 16
2005 Performance & Time Arts Series-Contemporary Dance Theatre, Cincinnati Ohio. Shot on a Cannon 35mm DLSR. 2005 Performance & Time Arts Series
2005 Sagrada Familia et Environs-What the title says. Shot on a Minolta 35mm film camera and age stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2005 Sagrada Familia et Environs
2005 Still Life-It’s just some fucking photographs. Shot on a Minolta 35mm film camera, stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2005 Still Life
2006 A Nude Ape-My one and only nude photo shoot. Not very graphic. I don’t remember who took the photos, someone please tell me. Shot in the original Art Damage Lodge in Cincinnati Ohio, on a Minolta 35mm film camera. 2006 A Nude …Continue reading →
2006 Southgate Modem Speak-Random shots of the Modem Speak Ensemble (roesing Ape, John Rich) gig at the historic Southgate House in Newport Kentucky. And some other rando Southgate pics. I forget who the other band is/was. You can listen to a bit of …Continue reading →