2007 Ambient Multimedia at the Library-Part of a Cincinnati Public Library Series. I’m still not sure of the value of photographing people playing noise music on a laptop. Photos by Nebula Girl bless her heart. 2007 Ambient Multimedia at the Library
2007 Cincinnati Lite Brite Film Festival-Video projections for live performance in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky during the 2007 Lite Brite Indie Pop Film Festival. Shot on Minolta 35mm film. 2007 Cincinnati Lite Brite Festival
2007 Kaldi’s Drunks-Drunk people and me at Kaldi’s Coffee in Cincinnati Ohio. Shot on a cheap Samsung flip phone. 2007 Kaldi's Drunks
2007 Rhys Chatham @ Skull Lab-Evidence of my participation in a Rhys Chatham performance at Skull Lab, Cincinnati Ohio. Photos by Nebula Girl. 2007 Rhys Chatham @ Skull Lab
2008 Alonzo King Lines Ballet w/ Shaolin Monks-Live performance presented by White Bird, Portland Oregon, 2008, shot on Nikon D3 w/ 400mm lens. 2008 Alonzo King Lines Ballet w/ Shaolin Monks
2008 Inbal Pinto-Live in Portland Oregon. Shot on Nikon D3, 400mm lens. 2008 Inball Pinto
2008 KJ Wed-K and J’s marriage in Portland Oregon. Shot on a Minolta 35mm and age-stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2008 KJ Wed
2008 PDX 1-Scenes from my first two years in Portland – plus a couple bits of packing up in Cincinnati. Shot with a 35mm Minolta film camera and stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2008 PDX 1
2008 Profile Theatre Posters-Mock ups of posters made for Profile Theatre in Portland Oregon. 2008 Profile Theatre Posters
2008 Skinner/Kirk/Bielemeier-Live performance presented by White Bird, Portland Oregon, 2008, shot on Nikon D3 w/ 400mm lens. 2008 Skinner/Kirk/Bielemeier
2008 Tero Saarinen Dance-Live performance presented by White Bird, Portland Oregon, 2008, shot on Nikon D3 w/ 400mm lens. 2008 Tero Saarinen Dance
2009 Anoukvandijk dc “Stau”-Live rehearsals and performance of Anoukvandijk dc’s piece “Stau”. Performed at Oaks Park in Portland Oregon, presented by White Bird. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 35mm lens. 2009 Anoukvandijk dc "Stau"
2009 Aspen Santa Fe Ballet-Live in Portland Oregon. Presented by White Bird. Shot on A Nikon D3 with a 400mm lens, no flash. 2009 Aspen Santa Fe Ballet
2009 Bad Boys of Dance-Live in Portland Oregon, shot on Nikon D3 with a 400mm lens. 2009 Bad Boys of Dance
2009 Barney the White Bird-Close-up photo-shoot of Barney the White Bird, CEO of White Bird Dance in Portland Oregon. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 35mm lens. See best contemporary dance in the world at whitebird.org.
2009 Dance Brazil-Presented by White Bird Dance in Portland Oregon. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 400mm lens. 2009 Dance Brazil
2009 Daniel Léveillé Danse-Live in Portland Oregon, presented by White Bird. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 400mm lens. 2009 Daniel Léveillé Danse
2009 Hofesh Shechter Company-Live in Portland Oregon. Presented By White Bird. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 400mm Lens. 2009 Hofesh Shechter Company
2009 Lars Lubovitch-Live in Portland Oregon, 2009. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 400mm lens. 2009 Lars Lubovitch
2009 Meeting San Francisco-First time in San Francisco et environs. One shot is of the first solo woman solar and human powered boat trip attempt from SF to Hawaii or something I stumbled upon. Shot on a 35mm film Minolta and stressed with …Continue reading →
2009 Minh Tran/Tere Mathern Promo-Promotional shots for a White Bird commission in Portland Oregon. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 35mm lens. 2009 Minh Tran/Tere Mathern Promo
2009 Rando PDX-Random observations of Portland Oregon and environs. Kinda bleh? Shot on some random digital camera from the aughts. 2009 Rando PDX
2009 Shen Wei Dance Arts-Live in Portland Oregon. Presented by White Bird. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 400mm lens with no flash. 2009 Shen Wei Dance Arts
2009 Trey McIntyre Project-Shot live on a Nikon D3 with a 400mm lens. Presented by White Bird in Portland Oregon. 2009 Trey McIntyre Project
2010 A Portland Wedding-Your standard hipster wedding. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 35mm lens. 2010 A Portland Wedding
2010 Bruno Beltrão Grupo de Rua-Live in Portland Oregon. Presented by White Bird. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 400mm Lens. 2010 Bruno Beltrão Grupo de Rua
2010 Chunky Move-Presented by White Bird Dance in Portland Oregon at the YWCA gym. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 200mm lens. The tree was just outside and I liked it.
2011 Fiesta Wedding-I was once hired as a wedding photographer on the cheap in the Portland Latino community. Working class family, statistics and the suspicious stares at my lily white face, among other things, gave me the impression there were a number …Continue reading →
2011 Gratuitous Food-From that year everyone was compulsively posting food pics on Facebook. Shot on a cell phone. 2011 Gratuitous Food
2011 Hawaii Wedding Hitchhike-I went to a wedding on the big island and hitchhiked around the perimeter. Shot on a Minolta 35mm film camera. 2010 Hawaii Wedding Hitchhike
2011 Jo Kreiter Tree Dance-Aerial dancer Jo Kreiter of San Francisco/Flyaway Productions did some fancy swinging from a tree for a former employer’s birthday. The rich get what they want. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 75mm lens.
2011 NoPo Homes-Things at homes in North Portland Oregon. Shot on a 35mm Minolta film camera, transcribed and age stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2011 NoPo Homes
2011 Pilobolus Class at BodyVox-Pilobolus masterclass at Bodyvox in Portland. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 35mm lens. 2011 Pilobolus Class at BodyVox
2011 Portland Taiko-Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 400mm lens. 2011 Portland Taiko
2011 POV Dance-Live performance in Portland Oregon. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 35mm lens. 2011 POV Dance
2011 Quick Portraits of House Shan-Shots from a photoshoot for a roommate who was trying to break into comedy. Seemed cool. Shot on a Nikon D3.
2011 Shots at the Nest pt. 1-Randos at the original Nest Bar & Lounge on Alberta St. in Portland Oregon. Shot on a 35mm Minolta film camera, transcribed and age stressed with a Nikon D5100. 2011 Shots at the Nest pt. 1
2011 St. Johns Pirate Cove-A summer walk through St. Johns in Portland Oregon, through Cathedral Park and Pirate Cove. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 75mm lens. 2011 St. Johns Pirate Cove
2011 tEEth Dance-Live performance in Portland Oregon, 2011, shot on Nikon D3 w/ 400mm lens. 2011 tEEth Dance
2011 White Bird Birthday Speech-Wherein I did something weird behind a curtain. Featuring a bird and a booty. Shot on a Nikon D3 with a 35mm lens. 2011 White Bird Birthday Speech
2012 Burning Man-Yadda yadda. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 35mm lens. 2012 Burning Man
2012 Jitterbug Junebug-Alleyway dance in San Francisco. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 35mm lens. 2012 Jitterbug Junebug
2012 Motion Theatre Errata-Improvisational autobiographical dance in a San Francisco studio and the legendary (weirdly authoritarian) spiritual retreat of the Esalen Institute. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 35mm lens. 2012 Motion Theatre Errata
2012 San Francisco Dance Class-Photos of an end-of-course dance class performance somewhere in San Francisco. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 35mm lens. 2012 San Francisco Dance Class
2012 SF Flamenco-Shot in the Mission on a Nikon D5100 with a 35mm lens. 2012 SF Flamenco
2012 SF.Week.01.debrief-View post on imgur.com You Move to San Francisco: SAN FRANCISCO fucks you. It fucks you hard and you don’t know if you’re being raped or about to come. Actually San Francisco lands you like a sunny soft pillow of …Continue reading →
2012 Shit-Artful shit of dog. The dog’s name was Sky. So, this shit fell from the sky. Shot on a Nikon D5100 with a 35mm lens. 2012 Shit