Roesing plays siren with angels 1998/2003 Merlin with Cricket - A 20 minute improvisational guitar solo over a live recording of nighttime June crickets and tree frogs in the Ohio river valley. Put to b-roll hypnotic static TV footage from a performance piece done in 2003. Smoke a bowl and Continue reading →
Projected Holly Face on Holly 2001 Art Night Out - Filmed by C. Spencer Yeh. Roesing and Spencer hit a couple bars and art parties on a winter’s night in Cincinnati Ohio. Cameos by: Roesing Ape, Holly Price, Scott Hisey, Tim Schwallie, Monkey the cat, Bob the cat, Andrew Hissett, Continue reading →
Some Fire 2001 Beltane Brakhage - Wherein Roesing Ape and Burning Star Core (C. Spencer Yeh) perform noise in front of a video montage of computer generated fire and Stan Brakhage’s film of his wife giving birth and Lauren Brown’s improvisational dance leads to a simulated Continue reading →
Mole Lady Portrait 2001 Death Beam Practice 2 - The Cincinnati noise super-group Death Beam: Roesing Ape, C. Spencer Yeh, and Ron Orovitz. There’s an audio sync issue but f*%k it, it’s Death Beam.
locust 2001 Live at The Comet - Live noise set to Fellini’s Roma played in reverse at the infamous ‘The Comet’ in Cincinnati Ohio. During that neat few months when C. Spencer Yeh (of Burning Star Core) and Lesniak (of Culture Queer) were part of Roesing Ape.
Neon Vavoom Sign upside down 2001 Live at the Southgate House - Live noise at the historic no longer extant Newport Kentucky Southgate House. Taped by Wit.
Ape Gremlin 2001 Live on WAIF 88.3 - A few minutes of random footage during a roesing ape DJ session for the Art Damage show on WAIF 88.3 in Cincinnati Ohio. Cameo/PSA by Holly Price.
Underground art show band 2001 Masonic Lodge Art Show - Live noise at an art opening at the infamous Masonic Lodge in Covington Kentucky by Roesing Ape and Burning Star Core. A fascinating glimpse into the alternative culture of Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky at the turn of the century. You can watch Continue reading →
Projected Holly Face on Holly 2001 Roesing/Lesniak/Yeh/Ebaugh/Brown Masonic Jam - A jam of geniuses echoing through the halls of the Masonic Lodge in Covington Kentucky. Featuring Roesing Ape, C. Spencer Yeh, Lesniak, and Jesse Ebaugh who’s smile at the end is worth watching the whole thing for. Improvisational dance by Continue reading →
separated 2001 The Sky Giving Birth to the Moon - Live performance and video montage piece performed at SSNOVA-Mockbee in Cincinnati Ohio. Music, words, and video by Roesing Ape. Choreography and movement by Mickey Morgan. Set by Julie Roessler. Video support by Spencer Yeh.  
Blurry Yoga Dancers 2002 Mickey Morgan’s Blue Bottle Rehearsal - Rehearsal for Mickey Morgan’s Blue Bottle at the Contemporary Dance Theatre of Cincinnati. Later presented by the Contemporary Dance Theatre of Cincinnati at the Aronoff Center for the Arts. Choreography, voice and writing by Mickey Morgan, video by C. Spencer Continue reading →
House Shan Eats 2002 Burning Star Core Southgate Halloween - Live at the Southgate House Ballroom in Newport Kentucky, Halloween 2002. Enjoy.
Mole Lady Portrait 2002 Death Beam Live in the Southgate House Ballroom - The Cincinnati noise super-group Death Beam: Roesing Ape, C. Spencer Yeh, Ron Orovitz, and Jeremy Lesniak. Live in the Historic Southgate House Ballroom in Newport Kentucky. Most metal live performance video ever.
Blurry Coffee Shop 2002 Death Beam Live in the Southgate House Parlor - The Cincinnati noise super-group Death Beam: Roesing Ape, C. Spencer Yeh, Ron Orovitz and Jeremy Lesniak. Live in the Historic Southgate House Parlor in Newport Kentucky. The audio slowly goes out of sync, but I didn’t care and you won’t Continue reading →
Spencer, Ron and Roesing 2002 Death Beam Mini-Tour pt. 1 - The Cincinnati noise super-group Death Beam: Roesing Ape, C. Spencer Yeh, Ron Orovitz and Jeremy Lesniak. Live at the Empty Bottle in Chicago.
Death Beam Death Beam 2002 Death Beam Mini-Tour pt. 2 - The Cincinnati noise super-group Death Beam: Roesing Ape, C. Spencer Yeh, Ron Orovitz and Jeremy Lesniak. Live at the Comet in Cincinnati.
Intro to Oregon 2002 Death Beam Mini-Tour pt. 3 - The Cincinnati noise super-group Death Beam: Roesing Ape, C. Spencer Yeh and Ron Orovitz. Live somewhere near Louisville Kentucky. It’s the best Death Beam show, if you watch all of it you won’t be disappointed.
Rit Dye Bath 2002 Death Beam Mini-Tour pt. 4 - The Cincinnati noise super-group Death Beam: Roesing Ape, C. Spencer Yeh and Ron Orovitz. Live somewhere in Michigan?
Death Beam Death Beam 2002 Death Beam Mini-Tour pt. 5 - The Cincinnati noise super-group Death Beam: Roesing Ape, C. Spencer Yeh and Ron Orovitz. Live in Ann Arbor Michigan 2002. More info at
Spencer, Ron and Roesing 2002 Death Beam Practice - The Cincinnati noise super-group Death Beam: Roesing Ape, C. Spencer Yeh, and Ron Orovitz. Practicing at Ron’s house, where he set up a live analog video distortion thing, which is what you see. It gets pretty gnarly I don’t recommend Continue reading →
2006 2002 Death Beam Practice 3 - The Cincinnati noise super-group Death Beam: Roesing Ape, C. Spencer Yeh, and Ron Orovitz.
Projectors in tin foil room 2002 F. Art - Originally titled Fuck Art, the Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center wouldn’t allow that in their marketing. Rambling performance art piece comprised of academic and historic arguments against art as a thing of value. So an anti-art art piece performed at a Continue reading →
Projected Holly Face on Holly 2002 Gordy Horn Southgate Halloween - Live in the ballroom at the Southgate House in Newport Kentucky. Special line-up: Tim Schwallie, Scott Hisey, Mark Perry, Clayton Gunnels, Adam Shelton.
Roesing Interviews a Washing Machine 2002 Live @ The Southgate House - Live set noise. Taped by Wit.
Roesing on laptop 2002 Live at Sudsy Malone’s - Live noise set at the infamous Sudsy Malone’s Bar & Laundromat in Cincinnati Ohio. During that neat few months when C. Spencer Yeh (of Burning Star Core) and Lesniak (of Culture Queer) were part of Roesing Ape.  
Lost Parlour 2002 Lost Parlour Set - Snapshot of a live noise set in the Southgate House upper parlour. First time integrating banjo into noise. Enjoy.
Music for Ms. Morgan 2002 Mickey Morgan’s Blue Bottle - Presented by the Contemporary Dance Theatre of Cincinnati at the Aronoff Center for the Arts. Choreography, voice and writing by Mickey Morgan, video by C. Spencer Yeh, music by Roesing Ape.
Rit Dye Bath 2002 Sick Hour Southgate Halloween - Live in the ballroom at the Southgate House in Newport Kentucky.
Projectors in tin foil room 2002 The Rape of the Sabine Men - Fair warning, the end can be shocking. It’s a dance/multimedia/performance piece that investigates parallels between the use of feminine sexuality in advertising and rape. Performed at the Contemporary Dance Theatre of Cincinnati ‘s College Hill Town Hall. With Tara Guilfoil, Continue reading →
Misanthropic Power Point Presentation 2002 You Will Repeat Yourself - A Persian/Arabic inspired call-and-response prayer to the gods of American commerce. Performed at the Cincinnati Contemporary Dance Theatre’s College Hill Town Hall as part of the Performance and Time Arts Series. With F. Keith Wahle and Roesing Ape. Some audio Continue reading →
Rando Bay 2003 Alteractive – Sarah Mann with Roessler & Soluski - Performance at Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park’s Alteractive series, 2003. Created by Sarah Mann, with performance assist by Julie Roessler and Nikol Soluski. They prepared and served drinks to noise.
KY Karts 2003 Kentucky Cave with Rock Improvisation - Smashing rocks, clapping, and stomping on the ground recorded with a JVC Mini-DV Camera at a “natural” whispering gallery in an old saltpeter mine during Karst-o-Rama in 2003.
Projected Holly Face on Holly 2003 Piling Water at CAC - Choreography by Holly Price and Rebecca Bedel. Music by Matt Anderson. Special appearance and video by Roesing Ape. Performed at the grand opening preview party of the Contemporary Arts Center of Cincinnati’s new Zaha Hadid building. Mixed early and late Continue reading →
Dancer on Floor with weird fingers 2003 Piling Water Practice - Choreography by Holly Price and Rebecca Bedel. Music by Matt Anderson. Special appearance and video by Roesing Ape. Practice for the grand opening preview party of the Contemporary Arts Center of Cincinnati’s new Zaha Hadid building. Mixed early and late Continue reading →
CGI woman floats in sea with tree 2004 “Eat Herself” Roesing/Soluski - Performance for a book release at the Mockbee Art Gallery, Cincinnati Ohio 2004. Audio and spoken word by Roesing Ape, Jumping around and screaming, costumes, food sculpture and set design by Nik Soluski and Julie Roessler.
Three Red Squares and an Orange 2004 3redSquares&anOrange - Culinary Performance by Julie Roessler – Three Red Squares and an Orange – with live noise at the Mockbee/SS Nova in Cincinnati Ohio’s Brighton District for the release party of the novel, A Beautiful Woman, by Roesing Ape.
Title with cool lines 2004 8Fold Live at the Mockbee - George Laub aka 8 Fold at the roesing ape ‘A Beautiful Woman’ book release show in the historic and dank Mockbee building.
Ape Gremlin 2004 Apegremlin - I was too sick to go on a Death Beam tour in 2004. So I made a weird video of myself playing drums they could project while they played. Don’t think they used it. It’s pretty weird. It zones though.
Video Noise 2004 Book Noise - A short noise set at the 2004 release of the novel ‘A Beautiful Woman’ at SSNova/The Mockbee in Cincinnati Ohio’s Brighton District. Also my video capture settings were messed up so the audio is totally redlining.  
Three Red Squares and an Orange 2004 Book Release Egg Pow - From 2004 book release of ‘A Beautiful Woman’, I exploded an egg in a microwave on stage set to music… because it sounded like fun.
Three Red Squares and an Orange 2004 Dana Colors Eggs - For the 2004 book release party of roesing Ape’s ‘A Beautiful Woman’, Dana Hamblen did a colored egg presentation.
Southgate Live 2004 David Garza’s Bus Stop by David Garza - Performed live at the Southgate House Ballroom in Newport Kentucky on June 6 of 2004, as part of a Culture Queer CD release event. It was much longer in real life.
Hey Screen 2004 Eating Ankle (bluporn) - DVD menu screen produced for a past release mixing b-roll from various installation pieces and a track from a concurrent album.
creepy_gabe 2004 Fake Art Noise Full Album - “At first I thought my computer speakers were broken…” – Melissa Terry, Facebook Post.  Fake Art Noise for various performance pieces 2002-2004 in Cincinnati Ohio.   Youtube
Three Red Squares and an Orange 2004 Food Prep Noise Jam - Julie Noelle Roessler prepares a salad during a noise jam in celebration of a Roesing Ape book release. About four minutes in the most annoying sound I’ve ever heard happens, I think because Zog’s oscillators were too close to the Continue reading →
Three Red Squares and an Orange 2004 Food Prep Noise Jam Part 2 - Julie Noelle Roessler prepares a salad during a noise jam in celebration of a Roesing Ape book release. Continued.
Roesing plays siren with angels 2004 Garza Donut Gremlin - If you’ve never seen a grown man in a Gizmo mask holding a sword make powdered donuts from scratch in an old brewery, now’s your chance. Took place at SSNova/Mockbee in Cincinnati, for roesing Ape’s ‘A Beautiful Woman’ book release. Continue reading →
Silvia's Hand 2004 Hands - Experimental hand dancing of Mickey Morgan set to keyboard and synth nonsense. Part of a larger piece that also involved feet.
Poo Shoe 2004 Joshua Treble aka Tony Boggs Live at Mockbee - For the Roesing Ape book release – A Beautiful Woman – in Cincinnati’s Mockbee/SSNova gallery.
Giant Cow on Route 66 2004 Lesniak & Hearts of Palm - Live at the Comet in Cincinnati, for a roesing ape CD release.
Roesing behind wires 2004 Rat Bastard’s Noise Pile at Sudsy Malone’s - Featuring Rat Bastard, You Can Unlearn Guitar, Iovae, Roesing Ape, Black Fives, Burning Star Core, and more. Footage courtesy of Wy Tapes. Live at Sudsy Malone’s on Short Vine in Cincinnati Ohio.
Roesing behind wires 2004 Roesing Ape & Soluski Kitty Part 1 - Performance piece for the Culture Queer CD release at the Southgate House in Newport Kentucky. Part 1. Performed and created by Roesing Ape and Nikol Soluski.
Blue Screen Silhouette Dancers 2004 Roesing Ape & Soluski Kitty Part 2 - Performance piece for the Culture Queer CD release at the Southgate House in Newport Kentucky. Part 2. Performed and created by Roesing Ape and Nikol Soluski.
Condescending Projects 2004 Roesing Soluski Roessler Sampler - Sample DVD track for the performance art collaboration of Roesing Ape, Nik Soluski, and Julie Roessler (3 Red Squares and an Orange).
separated 2004 Tha Blast Honors Grand Master Flash - Introduction video for Grand Master Flash to receive an award from Tha Blast festival in Cincinnati. Not sure how my noise-art style of video went off with the hip-hop crowd, but fun was had by all. Many thanks to Robin Continue reading →
Hurtful Stories 2004 Time Outside My Body Promo - Promo for Tara Michelle Guilfoil’s award winning piece at the 2003 Cincinnati Fringe Festival.
Projected Holly Face on Holly 2004 Wahle – Guilfoil Telephone - A performance of F. Keith Wahle’s poetry at the Mockbee/SSNova in Cincinnati Ohio. During his phase where he always got naked while reading his poetry. Possibly for my book release. Evidence of pre-millennial sexting. Enjoy! Also there’s really bad audio Continue reading →
Cropped 90s Roesing Ape Logo 2005 Art Damage Interview - Short clip from a documentary on the Cincinnati underground music scene. Please inform me of original creator and title and link to full film.
Mole Lady Portrait 2005 Art Damage Presents the Cincinnati Laptop Orchestra - A bunch of noise guys with laptops and a conductor with a 12 channel mixer.
space_body_holly 2005 Art Sucks Interviews - Part of an Installation Art Class piece. I installed a booth in the halls of the art and design building (DAAP) of the University of Cincinnati, created a website, brochure and power point presentation along with a projection of this Continue reading →
Attack Sky 2005 How Some Came Between Others - A weird story with a weird video for a performance piece at Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park’s Alteractive series. Dancing by Sam Womelsdorf, Rachel Cook, Nikol Soluski and Roesing Ape.
what blurry space monster 2005 Ishtar - Vocals & script by Nik Soluski. Video & audio by Roesing Ape. Graphics by both. For Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park’s Alteractive series.
Unknown 2005 jUStin!katKO Live at Media Bridges - jUStin!katKO performing live for an Art Damage Noise show at the public cable access channel in Cincinnati, Ohio; Media Bridges.
Roesing Ape Fell to His Death 2005 Land of Zog - Noise and b-roll collage made under the influence of the style of KR Zog aka Ron Orovitz.
Clouds and Sun and Shit 2005 lightbornenewyears (Lightborn Bad Art Series) - Revolution themed computer cheese with gratuitous mad synth arpeggiation made for a new year’s eve party (05/06) at a Midwestern commercial video studio.
Roesing on laptop 2005 Live at Art Damage - Live noise set at the original Art Damage venue on Hamilton in Northside, Cincinnati Ohio. Video shot by Orovitz.    
rose goat 2005 LOVID Live at Media Bridges - Lovid performing live for an Art Damage Noise show at the public cable access channel in Cincinnati, Media Bridges.
Infinite Tree Leaves 2005 O Tree - A weird story with a weird video for a performance piece at Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park’s Alteractive series. Story and speech by Rachel Cook. Cheap Bryce 3D tree video by Roesing Ape.
Relaxing on the Main 2005 offenbach am main feet - relax for once in a month or year or forever
Roesing behind wires 2005 R Dot Ape - Noise video montage reel developed for projection behind and mixing into live sets in the aughts. Good for playing in the background at acid/mushroom parties.    
Wood Flower 2005 Raw Water Noise - Noisy water captured for some other thing but I like it.
Painted Fingers Cigarette Bug Bites 2005 Realicide at Media Bridges - Realicide performing live for an Art Damage show on the public cable access channel in Cincinnati, Ohio; Media Bridges, in 2005.
Complacency Brochure 2005 Sam Nation ‘why art sucks’ Series Excerpt - Sam “Nation” Shipman’s last known interview, created for an anti-art art installation for an installation art class.
Buy 2005 The Canticle - Originally 3 videos projected on different surfaces with synced audio for an art installation at the Southgate House in Newport Kentucky in 2005. Mainly a ham-fisted attempt to equate feelings of powerlessness to the incessant pressure to buy things in Continue reading →
Gabe is a Mummy 2005 Unloop - Experiment in mixing and effecting looping and broken records in a digital video editor.
Blue Screen Silhouette Dancers 2005/2015 Locust - ‘Taunts of Decay’. Audio by roesingape. Video is taken from 2005 roesingape performance piece at Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park’s alteractive series, featuring: Sam Womelsdorf, Nik Soluski, Rachel Cook & Roesing Ape dancing. Original piece involved live action in front Continue reading →
Media bridges Live 2006 8-Fold Live at Media Bridges - Live set in Cincinnati’s Media Bridges studio, what one used to call a cable public access station. There’s a vague possibility it was broadcast.
Banana Slug 2006 banjoe - I play the banjoe.
Gabe presents a toy drum kit 2006 BigKno - A creepy video made from Bryce 3D and After Effects scraps.
Roesing on laptop 2006 Comet CD Release - Live show at the Comet Bar in Cincinnati Ohio. Testament to their burritos that I didn’t chase everyone out of the place.
Chunk Move 2006 DJ Cuddly-D & Abiyah COMMercial NOIse - With Soluski & Quinn Showgirls. Live at The Comet in Northside-Cincinnati Ohio.
Curled Naked Roesing 2006 Father Abraham (Actor’s Cut) - A student film I “acted” in. By Selena Reder. Also features David Garza and the infamous Kaldi’s Coffee House in Cincinnati Ohio.
Cat on Kitsch Couch 2006 IBI Test Final Full Album - Available on: Amazon Google Play iTunes Spotify Microsoft Groove Or just below   Multi-track noise interwoven with effect-laden live-take post-folk songs recorded in a converted rectory in the hinterlands of western Massachusetts during a summer apprenticeship in 2006 described in Continue reading →
Roesing on laptop 2006 Media Bridges Live - Live set in Cincinnati’s Media Bridge’s studio, what one used to call a cable public access station. There’s vague possibilities it was broadcast. But I totally fried their recording equipment which made for a nice effect.
New Orleans after Katrina 2006 Montage Volant Tonnere - Video noise collage made for a Hurricane Katrina benefit, originally projected onto the external wall of the Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati Ohio.
Roesing Toe 2006 n… - I n…
Abstract Monster with yellow eyes 2006 NOISE - noisey tv samples messed with.
Roesing selfie with hat 2006 Reflections - Only Interesting to me.
Sour Mash 2006 The Black Fives & C. H. A. Modest Chef - Live show at the Comet in Northside Cincinnati Ohio for a roesingape CD release. One lucky couple won a raffle for a 4 course meal with noise music.
Blurry Yoga Dancers 2006 Vide - Demo video of Holly Price and Rebecca Bedel piece. Nik Soluski does vocals on second half of music track.
Projectors in tin foil room 2007/2005 Ungrateful Heart Porn - Experimental 2007 song about porn put to a video collage of scraps from various installations made in 2005. Available on: iTunes Spotify   Lyrics: What an ungrateful heart, tears up these paper towels porn pouring precipitously out, hard cock in Continue reading →
Ping Pong Paddle, cigarette, sunglasses 2012/2006 Lose - The Bull Loses. Video originally from projections for a piece by Michelle Bump-Morano in 2006.   From the album: Amazon iTunes Spotify
Lady with flowing mauve shaw 2013/2006 Sunny Porch w/ Scabs McGee - Porch jam offset on video b-roll from 2006. With Shannon McGavock.
Roesing Ape Fell to His Death 2014/2004/1998 Death Poem - I read a poem I wrote at 23, at the age of 39, mixed with b-roll from 2004.
Projectors in tin foil room 2014/2005/1997 Karmann Ghia Girl - Story written in 1997 about an event in 1994 recorded in 2014 mixed with b-roll from 2005. Pile of junk for you.
Red Dragonfly 2016/2004 Winter Bismuth - Live synth/banjo set recorded in a trailer in the redwoods set to some b-roll I had sitting around from 2004.
Small Dinosaur on USB Charger 2016/2005 broke - Synth voice and drum jam set to b-roll from a few dance pieces in 2005.   Available on: Amazon iTunes Spotify
Yellow moon 2016/2006 Antenna for the Light - Banjo ditty recorded on a porch in a forest. Video is b-roll backdrop from a 2006 performance piece.
Roesing Ape Fell to His Death 2016/2006 Winter Slug Half Inch Journey - Live banjo/sampler/synth set recorded in a trailer in a redwood forest during a winter rainstorm. Video is b-roll from a 2006 dance performance back drop.
Future Fluorescent 2016/2006/2001 Number 35 - Live banjo jam from 2016 with lyrics from 2001 over video b-roll from 2006. Secondary vocals by Migle Ka.
Military Training Complex 2020/2004 Potatoes Mashed Comdey’s Mad Max (Corona Virus) - Written by Oscar Velarde, starring Edna Mira Raia & Jamin Jollo. Features the soundscapes of the Cincinnati Laptop Orchestra, recorded live at the Mockbee in Cincinnati circa 2004.