2005/2015 Locust-‘Taunts of Decay’. Audio by roesingape. Video is taken from 2005 roesingape performance piece at Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park’s alteractive series, featuring: Sam Womelsdorf, Nik Soluski, Rachel Cook & Roesing Ape dancing. Original piece involved live action in front …Continue reading →
2015 Uncopy of Lord Draft-lord don’t like what the lord cant hear, better quit drinking shine by the time he’s done we wont be here. better quit drinking shine Lord shoots first then drinks lite beer, better quit drinking shine They call it fat but …Continue reading →
2016 Black Girl (Cover of Lead Belly)-Black girl, black girl Don’t you lie to me Tell me where did you sleep last night ‘Neath the pines, ‘neath the pines Where the sun never shines And I shivered in the cold, deadly cold* Her husband was a …Continue reading →
2016 Superhero Street Fair-Trolling Youtube’s content ID system to shove fair use down the throats of our algorithmic overlords. Mashup by Roesing Ape, music by DJ Laird & Friends. Saturday, October 22, 2016, Napoleon @ Jerrold Streets, San Francisco California. superherosf.com.
2016/2004 Winter Bismuth-Live synth/banjo set recorded in a trailer in the redwoods set to some b-roll I had sitting around from 2004.
2016/2005 broke-Synth voice and drum jam set to b-roll from a few dance pieces in 2005. Available on: Amazon iTunes Spotify
2016/2006 Antenna for the Light-Banjo ditty recorded on a porch in a forest. Video is b-roll backdrop from a 2006 performance piece.
2016/2006 Winter Slug Half Inch Journey-Live banjo/sampler/synth set recorded in a trailer in a redwood forest during a winter rainstorm. Video is b-roll from a 2006 dance performance back drop.
2016/2006/2001 Number 35-Live banjo jam from 2016 with lyrics from 2001 over video b-roll from 2006. Secondary vocals by Migle Ka.
2017 Earth Day San Francisco Appeal-Please visit earthdaysf.org or climatetheatre.com for more information, to volunteer, to give, or to plan your day. Donate through IndieGoGo’s Generosity Donate with Paypal:
2017 Earth Day San Francisco Appeal 2-Please visit earthdaysf.org or climatetheatre.com for more information, to volunteer, to give, or to plan your day. Donate through IndieGoGo’s Generosity Donate with Paypal:
2017 Earth Day San Francisco Appeal 2-Please visit earthdaysf.org or climatetheatre.com for more information, to volunteer, to give, or to plan your day. Donate through IndieGoGo’s Generosity, or through Paypal:
2017 Half to Fight-Or the lackey savant. An experiment in crapwave. Using old footage from phones, VHS, early 2000’s cheap home computer animation, digital cameras and the dumb orange monkey.
2017 Joshua Shine-Version of Reverend I.B. Ware’s “Better Quit Drinking Shine” with different lyrics. Shot live in Joshua Tree California, then overdubbed. Available on: iTunes Amazon Spotify
2018 Windows 11 – EscJape Vogue Live-Live performance of the first section of Windows 11, EscJape Vogue, as presented by the Regional Arts and Culture Council in Portland Oregon. Choreography & Direction: Beth Whelan Videography, Projection, Music: Roesing Ape Dancers: Alicia Cutaia, Emily Running, Willow Swanson, …Continue reading →
2018 Windows 11 – Linear Gog Live-Live performance of the second section of Windows 11, Linear Gog, as presented by the Regional Arts and Culture Council in Portland Oregon. Choreography & Direction: Beth Whelan Videography, Projection, Music: Roesing Ape Dancers: Alicia Cutaia, Emily Running, Willow Swanson, …Continue reading →
2018 Windows 11 – Weedies Live-Live performance of the third section of Windows 11, Weedies, as presented by the Regional Arts and Culture Council in Portland Oregon. Choreography & Direction: Beth Whelan Videography, Projection, Music: Roesing Ape Dancers: Alicia Cutaia, Emily Running, Willow Swanson, Beth …Continue reading →
2018 Windows 11 Test Reel-Test and working reel for Roesing Ape and Beth Whelan’s Windows 11 performance piece presented by the Regional Arts and Culture Council in Portland Oregon for its Night Lights series. Audio is a live noise set circa 2004. Dancer is …Continue reading →