1995 Early Coffee, Late Coffee-Early Coffee, Late Coffee There was a murder at the coffee house, So they buried him in brown beans, And everyone was screaming for a mouse, To come around passing out caffeine, With all the victims guilty and all the …Continue reading →
1995 Hot With Blemishes in May-Hot with Blemishes in May I believe that I misunderstood the question, Reversal. Speak of the devil, Listen of the God, the motion of Mass. I am surrounded by nothing, but the time is now short. Infinity so quick. I …Continue reading →
1995 Praise-Praise A big, fat, poem With big, fat, adjectives Flew in with buttered turkey wings, And sat on my head. Look at the form! The meter and the prose! It could only be pleasing, To them this and those, Choking …Continue reading →
1995 The Siege-Siege, the Where is the punch line? Where am I? On a ball of dirt? Floating in the sky? WE ARE SURROUNDED. The clouds have us under siege. As of yet, we do not know why, But still, they let …Continue reading →
1995 Updating My Poop-Updating my poop I blink when I think of it. It seems that it should have been cold cause I could see so many stars. Not that I ever paid attention to stars, mind you. Anything I see with …Continue reading →
1996 Choice-Choice We visit the item. We visit the machine. The lackey savant. The mechanical being. Reference and file. The subject and its slot. Our pace and our function. It’s blue, it’s gray, it’s a box. Package personality. (male) Mail order …Continue reading →
1996 Guest Check-Guest Check Fliscshell nicks Log, Tumbler freekdom, Knotted frog of twisted, Eye of Doggeral Bastard Names and pumpernickel, pipe dreams and pleasantly, Finished larks, and red, Herring understatements, Feeding off the this’s and that’s, And dexterities weak hold. Hark, yonder …Continue reading →
1996 More Cheap Angst-More cheap angst No great emotions, no great thoughts. A few scattered devotions, lying about with the records I’ve bought. And this generation, to define what it is, And this nation going to the pits, I will follow the generation’s …Continue reading →
1996 On Town and Bar-On Town and Bar sexy stinky the rattle of rubber bones sashay, she’s winking Rembrandt could not improve upon those legs Powerless, the old man is on a boy’s whim. The whiskey drinks the man Under the table, Ah, but …Continue reading →
1996 SEE!-SEE! Salvation is a one handed creature?! The mystery remains whether ‘tis right or left! It functions easily? It fits into your pocket!? Salvation is cheap? It fits in the palm of your hand! Advertise Salvation?! Laying out our plan. …Continue reading →
1996 The Argument-The Argument Underline your anger De-emphasize the cause Someone is stuttering to glory In this they are cleaning out their mouth Ferocity sizzles as it lingers Stretching your tongue down to the ground It has taken to new heights the …Continue reading →
1996 The Wizard & the King Excerpt-One particular time that they took these potions it happened to be the waning time of the year, and the moon had nearly finished taking off her black clothes. The trees had dressed in their most extravagant funeral garb, and …Continue reading →
1997 A Below the Conscience Orchestration-A below the conscience orchestration Interested thinger Gongs Goings on around Papery Gentle folk robber’s buttercup nightmare babe (eat ree nuts) Give me a roadblock Give me a dark chasm of thought And I will untie your shoe I …Continue reading →
1997 Complete Amazement-My god your deodorant is fascinating. I am perplexed by its depth. Its scent makes the most perfect sense (olf.). Its sublime wit puts a bulge in my pants. All women are becoming green. All men are becoming brown. This …Continue reading →
1997 Curse-curse I am weak I may not move a muscle For each muscle speaks Nervous, and I am needy I am a freak Can’t see, where am I bleeding There is no punctuation In what I am saying There is …Continue reading →
1997 LSD in Mesa Arizona-LSD in Mesa, Arizona Eggs across the cement And Legs and feet in proper placement Adds Blatant yolk too toe harassment Nonsense. Ridiculous nonsense. Creatively ridiculous nonsense though. Shuffle and walk Shuffle and walk Tinker in thought Shuffle a lot …Continue reading →
1997 More fucking teen angst, god…-More fucking teen angst, god. I coast into the flaring nostrils of a wild German horse, only to find my mother’s crutch, my sister’s blush, and my brother’s bald spot. Nevermind. Insert: Ode to an uphill struggle; I have nothing …Continue reading →
1997 Return of Messiah Excerpt-Chapter dfhgospgjiks45+vgn And so there was a dead man in the bathroom at the grocery store. Breakfast of whole wheat bread, an entire loaf, a raw potato and an orange. Cleanliness is next to godliness, and not every supermarket …Continue reading →
1997 Song-Song Service with a smile Follow the parade Is everybody happy? I’m not afraid To make everybody happy I will clap my hands gently in your ear, To remind you of your tribes And we will all wear crafted medallions …Continue reading →
1997 Talk.-Talk. Consume conversation Eating up the words Licking off your fingers The sticky nouns and verbs Swan dive into conjecture Back flip on the innuendo Dancing with our lectures Making silly putty of the words Put your finger on your …Continue reading →
1997 The Myriad of Symptoms-The Myriad of Symptoms As I attempt to define the lack of purpose and define the function of the human form I come to an understanding of the advertisement, its affection always close and always warm. When do-gooders talk about …Continue reading →
1997 This Pissed Her Off-This pissed her off young restless idiots fishing for souls along the unnamed avenues in the unnamed city in the unnamed country with the blinding lights that make you squint. Whether or not to do drugs. And if so, what …Continue reading →
1997 Waxing Pot Poetic-Waxing pot poetic I wanna quit smoking meat. Because everyone should be skinny. And understanding of me. Everybody should do the same thing. So I can use less jokes. Would you like to buy my house. I forgot that I …Continue reading →
1997 You…-You…. Here are the directions to get here if you are Superman. You glide over the city at dusk, the incandescent bronze street lamps making love to the hazy polluted blue sky below you. Your sense of direction, as …Continue reading →
1997 Youth Asks-people I’ve had sex with those occasional occupations those half hazard penetrations those that defy explanation I’ve run into some recently They do not seem to see me Exchange half-hearted glances Little emotional dances Apparently things change It seems things …Continue reading →
1998 Another Boring Couch Seshin-Another boring couch seshin Plant dirt yellow meter line window coffee couch ashtray concrete leaf wooden chair imprints garbage magazine division of sanitation paint blue cookie pretzel shutter shudder stain butter kelp kiwi curtains clutter stable stand uptown rental properties …Continue reading →
1998 At This Point-At this point At this point I would like to remind the reader that they too will die. And that I have no room. And that maybe if they die, I might get myself a little more rrrrrrooom. And deeper, …Continue reading →
1998 Death-Death Time is sleeping A worthless rest Keeping awake The hand feels weak The head is heavy The pillow speaks Tells tales of mumble Tells tales of stutter Slipping ideal under Finding solace boring Eat fluff is chewy A tongue …Continue reading →
1998 Everything is About Me-Everything is about me I’ve got lots of problems see, No big discipline, no big speak, Hollow and weak freak, Which cleans my mouth, scars my face, Up in the attic sub-conscience waits, Free free free freak, I stand for …Continue reading →
1998 Filler-Filler Tasteless flick of the paranoid boxer folds in half beside the bed of the hunted dog understanding two hands open fist offer a saltine cracker to the starving glass of water behind behind emotion is anger god is not …Continue reading →
1998 Fuck Poetry-I fucking hate poetry Fuck fucking this poetry Absolute crap bullshit whining Vitriol filth mind mining weak reflections on a bland life Of stupidity as if the poet was special, As if this shit was a fucking art like Knives, …Continue reading →
1998 Newtext-New text. February 28th, 1998. New word processor. Brand new, piece of shit right out of the box. Prints in ten different colors all derived from only two shades of shit brown. I will pour into it the little pink …Continue reading →
1998 Newtext Excerpt-Newtext New text. February 28th, 1998. New word processor. Brand new, piece of shit right out of the box. Prints in ten different colors all derived from only two shades of shit brown. I will pour into it the little …Continue reading →
1998 NT Pupils-NT Pupils What about the near eloquence of the fugitive behind the figure she asked and then I smacked her pupils with mouth tears and tore off her clothes with words. As if I wanted to fuck her. As if …Continue reading →
1998 Peace-peace. I love you Fuck you I love you Fuck you I love you Fuck you I love you Fuck you I love you Fuck you I love you Fuck you I love you Fuck you I love you Fuck …Continue reading →
1998 Poop Poop-Poop Poop poop in your head poop in your butter poop in your soul poop behind the uptake poop in matrimony to dish soap poop in forward motion poop on the ashtray of godd poop around the corners in synchronization …Continue reading →
1998 Prester John-Prester John… Here there is giggling, The expounding of a plot, Will you make some mistake and point to me? Open our selves to being blocked? …Continue reading →
1998 Tic Tac Toe Excerpt-Game Four X: You give me less than I give you. O: Is it necessary that we give each other the same amount? X: No. But it should be compulsory. O: Maybe you’re just not receiving what I’m giving you. …Continue reading →
1998 Tired-Tired, tired, world, go to sleep, you’re just making it harder on yourself. Bouncing fucking bubbles I swear to god. Isolated interpretations of isolated experience. Bouncing up against other isolated interpretations of isolated experience. Sometimes quite rapidly. Experiencing, in isolation, …Continue reading →
1998 Write a Poem-Write a Poem Write a poem Write a poem with words Write a poem with words that people can relate to Write a heartfelt poem with lucid, bordering on dubious language Write a poem with an appealing wit and intellect …Continue reading →
1999 Answer to the Question-Answer to the question Answer to the question of thoroughfare. Click. America loves her sense of growth. And what. Stale tables beneath my typed massages, and I’m looking out the window, no, door, and there presented to me in that …Continue reading →
1999 Answer to the Question Excerpt-Answer to the question A & B: Answer to the question of thoroughfare. Click. America loves her sense of growth. And what. Stale tables beneath my typed massages, and I’m looking out the window, no, door, and there presented to …Continue reading →
1999 Father’s Day-Father’s Day Where the man beats his child, The child will eventually beat the man. Where the man works hard and long, The child will relax and be at ease. Where the man is ignorant and callous, The child will …Continue reading →
1999 Important Tax Information-Important tax Information: My grip it slips like no other, like flowers on an infants lips, my grip it slips, I come to claim my reward. My cigarette seems bothered while on an infants lips, I come I come to …Continue reading →
1999 Jiminy Crickets-Jiminy Crickets Something comes from my mouth, It seems to have an especial purpose, It’s got a mean look in its eye, Get your ears out of town, Speaking in tongues… My tongue is burning… My tongue has holes in …Continue reading →
1999 Thank You-Thank You Measurements, the destruction, distinction of my mind, And thank you most of all, Mr. Television, for the gift of an enemy. Thank you Mr. Television for fucking my asshole raw with your limp dick ideologies and warping my …Continue reading →
1999 The Exampled Preached-The Exampled Preached I must say nothing with words, Only with movement will I speak, I will be so subtle that you will not notice, I will be ordinary implicit & implied, But with every true movement, day or night, …Continue reading →
1999 The Liminal Zone-Speech from the performance piece, The Liminal Zone, first performed at the Southgate house in Newport Kentucky, New Year’s Eve 1999, with Holly Price and Mike Dimaria Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to a visual discussion of the Liminal …Continue reading →
1999 The Rub-Rub All the quiet people, they begin to speak up Release their attention, express their opinion Timing it to reveal, they are the real majority They are the real Mc’Coy, he’s not saying anything He keeps it all in, no …Continue reading →
1999 Useless Crap; Poems & Thoughts 1995 to 1999-Misanthropic fever dreams. Probably won’t change your life. Might make you laugh, smile, or commiserate. Best read out loud on the toilet. Available in digital format and paperback.
2000 A.I.-Ai? I kiss the moon, And he says, “Stop kissing me you fucking cock, I’m just a rock”. So I say, “heh”. “I don’t care what the frag you are a star? A white walled tire? The negative of …Continue reading →
2000 Confession-Father, it’s been four hundred and fifty seven years since my last confession. I’ve sinned much. I’ve masturbated countless times and on occasion to images so perverted, disgusting, and horrible that they are unmentionable. I’ve been envious, jealous, and mean …Continue reading →
2000 Excerpt 17 FLotFotL-OK so let me thoroughly describe what it’s like to make love to someone whom one detests. They come over and while they’re in transit and you know they’re coming you tell yourself over and over again ‘I will not …Continue reading →
2000 HDT (Cincinnati)-Cincinnati would be more exciting if it was just a little bit warmer. It has the proper humidity for being a swanky town, it has the right sort of architecture. Red brick row houses in decrepit condition built on hills …Continue reading →
2000 Not My Type-Maybe the thick of the fog will suffuse with our transparent solid knob of narcissism. Maybe our reflection will vomit flies and scraps of meat into our face. Maybe our flatulence will become a turtle, and outlive our outlandish cooking. …Continue reading →
2000 Pimples-You know pimples are really very powerful signals, signs, and omens. The process by which they operate from mark to swelling to explosion-release and scar is so reminiscent of action movies, orgasms, and pop songs. I get them where they …Continue reading →
2000 The Sadness of Eating Grapes-Whatever the fuck you make me to say. I am the insidious figment of your imagination. I am pepsi cola, you are coca cola, everything else is blood. Everything else is blood. You are completely full of shit. Suck my …Continue reading →
2000 The Understatements-The Understatements I get into your lisp Forget what you said Understatement of the year Speaking water, hearing bread In the game of the gaze We speak not of defecation We must celebrate We defend so recklessly She is the …Continue reading →
2000 Trying to Meat a Girl-Trying to meat a girl Brink, boredom from the look The look from the boredom, a wink Inquire, thrown out the words Hit the floor and wait, perspire Sick, embattled belabored Over and over again, slow Failure, has thou eaten …Continue reading →
2001 Short Not Stories: 1996-2001-Theatrical, thoughtful, and mind bending short stories and essays. Primarily useful for being found 100 years from now and turned into a smash hit on a virtual reality holographic cable channel. Available in digital format and paperback.